5 Easy Steps to Fork a Repository on GitLab

Forking a repository is a common practice in the world of software development, allowing you to create a personal copy of someone else’s project to work on independently. This article guides you through the process of forking a repository on GitLab, which can be particularly useful when the original project is hosted on a different platform like GitHub. In just five easy steps, you’ll learn how to locate the original repository, fork it on GitLab, clone it locally, configure remote repositories, and keep your fork in sync with the original project.

Key Takeaways

  • Forking a repository on GitLab allows you to create a personal copy of a project for independent development.
  • The process begins by locating the original repository, which may be hosted on a different platform such as GitHub.
  • After forking the repository on GitLab, it’s important to clone the forked repository to your local machine for development.
  • Configuring remote repositories is a crucial step to manage the connection between your local clone and both the original and forked repositories.
  • Regularly syncing your fork with the original repository ensures that your copy stays up-to-date with the latest changes.

1. Locate the Original Repository

1. Locate the Original Repository

Before you can begin working with a repository on GitLab, you need to find the original project you wish to fork. Navigating to the correct repository is crucial, as it serves as the foundation for your own project development. To locate the original repository, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your GitLab account.
  2. Use the search bar at the top of the GitLab interface to enter the name of the project or the username of the repository owner.
  3. Browse through the search results to find the exact repository you’re looking for.

Remember, you can only fork repositories that you have access to. This typically includes all public repositories and any private repositories you’ve been granted access to. Once you’ve located the repository, you’re ready to create your own fork on GitLab.

2. Fork the Repository on GitLab

2. Fork the Repository on GitLab

Forking a repository on GitLab is a straightforward process that allows you to create a personal copy of someone else’s project. This is essential when you want to propose changes or maintain your version of the code. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Navigate to the original repository on GitLab.
  2. Look for the Fork button, typically located at the upper right side of the repository’s page.
  3. Click on the Fork button, and GitLab will prompt you to select a location for your fork. This is usually your personal namespace or a group you have access to.
  4. Confirm your selection, and GitLab will create a copy of the repository under your chosen namespace.

Remember, the forked repository is now independently yours, meaning you can make changes without affecting the original codebase. However, it’s good practice to keep your fork synchronized with the original, which we’ll cover in a later step.

By forking a repository, you’re not just copying the code; you’re embracing the open-source spirit of collaboration and contribution.

Ensure you have the necessary permissions if you’re forking a private repository. Unauthorized copying of private repositories can lead to serious consequences.

3. Clone the Forked Repository Locally

3. Clone the Forked Repository Locally

After forking the repository on GitLab, the next step is to bring a copy of your fork onto your local machine. This is where you’ll make all your changes before pushing them back up to GitLab. Here’s how to clone your forked repository:

  1. Open your terminal or command prompt.
  2. Navigate to the directory where you want to place the repository.
  3. Use the git clone command followed by the URL of your fork on GitLab.

For example:

git clone https://gitlab.com/YourUser/repository_name.git

Ensure you’re cloning the forked repository, not the original one. This is crucial for making sure your changes are tracked in your own fork. Once cloned, you can add files, commit changes, and manage branches right from your local environment.

Remember to keep your commit messages clear and descriptive. This will help you and others understand the history of changes and the purpose of each commit.

It’s important to maintain a clean and organized repository. Regularly pushing your commits to GitLab ensures that your work is safely backed up and accessible from anywhere.

4. Configure Remote Repositories

4. Configure Remote Repositories

After forking and cloning a repository, it’s essential to configure the remotes—this means setting up a way for your local repository to know where to fetch updates from and where to push changes to. Configuring your remotes correctly is crucial for efficient collaboration and code deployment.

To add your fork as the ‘origin’ remote, use the following command:

git remote add origin https://gitlab.com/YourUser/repository_name.git

Then, to keep your fork up to date with the original repository, add it as the ‘upstream’ remote:

git remote add upstream https://gitlab.com/OriginalOwner/repository_name.git

Remember to fetch the latest changes from ‘upstream’ before starting new work.

To verify your remote configuration, you can list all remotes with their URLs using:

git remote -v

Here’s a quick reference table for remote commands:

Action Command
Add a remote git remote add <name> <url>
Rename a remote git remote rename <old> <new>
Remove a remote git remote remove <name>
List remotes git remote -v
Fetch from a remote git fetch <name>
Push to a remote git push <name> <branch>
Pull from a remote git pull <name> <branch>

Managing your SSH keys is also a part of this process, ensuring secure and easy access to your repositories without the need for constant password input.

5. Sync the Fork with the Original Repository

5. Sync the Fork with the Original Repository

Keeping your fork up to date with the original repository is crucial to ensure that you’re working on the latest version of the project. Here’s how to sync your fork with the GitLab Ultimate repository:

  1. Add the original repository as a remote (if not already done). This is typically called upstream.
    git remote add upstream https://gitlab.com/original/repo.git
  2. Fetch the latest changes from the upstream repository.
    git fetch upstream
  3. Check out your fork’s local default branch (usually main or master).
    git checkout main
  4. Merge the changes from the upstream default branch into your local default branch.
    git merge upstream/main
  5. Push the updated local default branch to your fork on GitLab.
    git push origin main

Remember, it’s good practice to keep your branches updated regularly to avoid merge conflicts and stay aligned with the project’s progress.

By following these steps, you ensure that your fork is a mirror of the original repository, allowing you to work with the most recent code and contribute effectively.


Forking a repository on GitLab is a straightforward process that opens up a world of collaboration and contribution to existing projects. By following the five easy steps outlined in this article, you now have the knowledge to create a fork of a GitHub repository directly on GitLab. Remember, forking is more than just copying a project; it’s about actively engaging with the open-source community and making improvements or customizations. Whether you’re fixing bugs, adding features, or just experimenting, your fork on GitLab is the first step towards contributing to the larger ecosystem of software development. Happy forking, and don’t hesitate to share your enhancements with the original repository!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I create a fork on GitLab if the original project is on GitHub?

Yes, you can fork a GitHub repository to GitLab. You need to create a new project on GitLab and then set up repository mirroring with the GitHub URL.

How do I fork a repository on GitLab?

To fork a repository on GitLab, navigate to the original repository’s page and click the ‘Fork’ button on the upper right side.

Do I need to use Git commands to fork a repository?

No, forking a repository on GitLab or GitHub does not require local Git commands; it’s done via the web interface.

How can I clone a forked repository locally?

To clone your forked repository locally, use the ‘git clone’ command with the URL of your forked repository.

What is the difference between a fork and a clone in Git?

A fork is a copy of a repository that you manage on your GitLab or GitHub account, while a clone is a copy of the repository on your local machine.

How do I configure remote repositories after forking?

After forking, you can configure remotes using ‘git remote’ commands, such as ‘git remote add upstream’ to track the original repository.

How can I sync my fork with the original repository?

To sync your fork with the original repository, pull changes from the original ‘upstream’ repository and then push them to your ‘origin’ fork.

Is there a Git command to create a fork?

No, there is no explicit Git command to create a fork. Forking is a feature provided by platforms like GitLab and GitHub, not by Git itself.

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