GitLab: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Tag

GitLab is a powerful web-based DevOps lifecycle tool that provides a Git-repository manager with wiki, issue-tracking, and CI/CD pipeline features. In this step-by-step guide, we will explore how to effectively use GitLab’s tagging feature to organize and track your work. From understanding GitLab terminology to leveraging advanced tips and tricks, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to make the most out of GitLab’s tagging capabilities.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding GitLab terminology is crucial for effectively using the platform.
  • Setting up GitLab locally allows for seamless integration with your machine.
  • Organizing and tagging work with labels helps in tracking and finding specific work items.
  • Using issue boards provides visual management and streamlines workflow.
  • Leveraging GitLab merge requests facilitates collaboration and code review.

GitLab: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Tag

Step 1: Understanding GitLab Terminology

GitLab is a web-based DevOps lifecycle tool that provides a Git-repository manager, wiki, issue-tracking, and CI/CD pipeline features, all in one application. It is a complete DevOps platform that allows you to visualize and manage lists of issues using labels, team members, and milestones. Branches in GitLab are versions of a project’s working tree. Understanding these key terms is essential to effectively navigate and utilize GitLab.

Step 2: Setting Up GitLab Locally

Setting up GitLab locally is an essential step in getting started with GitLab Ultimate. To ensure a smooth setup process, follow these instructions:

  1. Install GitLab Ultimate on your local machine.
  2. Configure GitLab Ultimate to meet your specific requirements.
  3. Familiarize yourself with the GitLab Ultimate interface and features.

Implementing GitLab Ultimate locally allows you to take advantage of its advanced capabilities and maximize your productivity. Whether you’re a developer, project manager, or team lead, setting up GitLab Ultimate is a crucial first step in leveraging its full potential.

Step 3: Organizing and Tagging Work with Labels

Organizing and tagging work with labels is an essential part of managing projects in GitLab. Labels provide a way to categorize and track issues, merge requests, and epics. They help teams prioritize and filter work, making it easier to find and address specific tasks. With GitLab Premium, you have access to advanced label management features, such as group-level labels and label priorities. These features allow you to create a more structured and efficient workflow, ensuring that your team can effectively collaborate and deliver high-quality results.

To make the most of GitLab Premium’s label management capabilities, consider implementing a table to present structured, quantitative data. This table can include information such as label names, descriptions, colors, and priorities. By organizing this information in a table, you can easily reference and update labels as needed.

In addition to using tables, you can also use bulleted or numbered lists to capture less structured content. For example, you can create a list of best practices for labeling work in GitLab, including guidelines for naming conventions, color coding, and label usage.

Remember, effective label management is crucial for maintaining a well-organized and efficient project workflow. By leveraging GitLab Premium’s label features, you can streamline your team’s collaboration and ensure that work is properly categorized and tracked.

Step 4: Using Issue Boards for Visual Management

Issue boards in GitLab provide a visual way to manage and track the progress of your project. With issue boards, you can easily organize and prioritize your tasks, collaborate with your team, and gain a clear overview of the project status.

To make the most out of issue boards, consider the following tips:

  • Implement a table for presenting structured, quantitative data. Ensure it’s succinct and formatted correctly in Markdown.
  • Use a bulleted or numbered list for less structured content, like steps, qualitative points, or a series of related items.

Additionally, it’s important to note that issue boards can be customized to fit your specific workflow. You can create multiple boards, add labels, assignees, and milestones to issues, and even automate workflows using GitLab’s powerful features.

In summary, issue boards are a valuable tool for visual management in GitLab, allowing you to stay organized, collaborate effectively, and track the progress of your project.

Step 5: Opening and Moving GitLab Issues

To open a GitLab issue, navigate to the project where you want to open the issue. Select ‘Issues’ in the left-hand side menu and click the ‘New issue’ button. Provide a title and description for the issue, and optionally assign it to a milestone or label. Click ‘Submit issue’ to create the issue. If you realize that the issue was opened in the wrong project, don’t worry! It’s easy to move it to the correct project. Simply navigate to the issue, scroll to the bottom of the right-hand menu bar, and select ‘Move issue’. Search for the project you want to move it to and click ‘Move’. The issue will be moved and the link will change according to the new location of the issue.

Step 6: Commenting on GitLab Issues

To comment on a GitLab issue, open the issue that you want to comment on. If there are other comments, scroll to the bottom and add your comment there. It is also possible that you may want to reply to someone’s comment. To do this, click on the ‘Reply’ button below the comment you want to reply to and enter your response. Remember to be respectful and concise in your comments.

If you need to search for a specific GitLab issue, you can use the search bar at the top right of the GitLab interface. Type in the keywords you want to search for and hit enter. You can then select the group and project you want to search within. This can be helpful if you had been looking at an issue but hadn’t made a comment or been tagged in it.

For more structured data, you can use GitLab issue labels and issue boards. Labels allow you to categorize and organize your issues, while issue boards provide a visual representation of your workflow. You can create labels and boards to suit your team’s needs and easily track the progress of your work.

Remember to use these features to effectively communicate and collaborate with your team on GitLab issues.

Step 7: Searching for GitLab Issues

Knowing how to search for a GitLab issue can be very helpful, especially if you had been looking at it but hadn’t made a comment or been tagged in it. If you know some key words that were in the issue, you should be able to find it! Here’s how:

  1. Go to
  2. In the top right click on the search bar
  3. Type in text you want to search for and hit enter
  4. On the next screen, select the group the issue is in that you are searching for. In this instance the group is people-group
  5. Then, select the project the issue is in that you are searching for. In this instance the project is gitlab-tool-training
  6. Click on the “issues” tab under the search bar to see all issues with the text you are searching for in that specific group and project.

Step 8: Leveraging GitLab Merge Requests

Step 8: Leveraging GitLab Merge Requests

In GitLab, merge requests are a powerful feature that allows for effective collaboration and code review. They provide a way to propose changes to a project and have them reviewed and approved by team members before merging them into the main branch. To leverage GitLab merge requests effectively, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new merge request by selecting the ‘New merge request’ button.
  2. Specify the source and target branches for the merge request.
  3. Add a title and description to provide context and details about the proposed changes.
  4. Assign reviewers to ensure thorough code review.
  5. Make any necessary changes based on the feedback received.
  6. Once the merge request is approved, merge it into the target branch.

By following these steps, you can streamline the code review process and ensure that changes are thoroughly reviewed and tested before being merged into the main branch.

Step 9: Publishing Websites with GitLab Pages

After setting up your GitLab Pages website project, you can publish your website and make it accessible to others. To publish your website, follow these steps:

  1. In your GitLab project, navigate to the Deploy tab.
  2. Click on Pages to open the website.
  3. In the Access pages section, select your unique URL to view the published website.

If you want to track page views and collect data, you can use tools like Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager to add tracking codes to your GitLab Pages website.

To present structured, quantitative data related to your website, you can implement a Markdown table. This table should be succinct and properly formatted in Markdown.

For less structured content, such as steps or a series of related items, you can use a bulleted or numbered list.

Remember to regularly update and maintain your GitLab Pages website to ensure it remains accessible and up-to-date.

Step 10: Advanced GitLab Tips and Tricks

In this final step, we will explore some advanced tips and tricks to enhance your GitLab experience. These tips will help you optimize your workflow and make the most out of GitLab’s features. Let’s dive in!


In this article, we have provided a step-by-step guide on how to tag in GitLab. We covered the importance of tags, how to create and manage tags, and some useful tips and tricks. By following this guide, you will be able to effectively organize and track your work in GitLab. So, go ahead and start tagging like a pro!

GitLab: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Tag

What is GitLab?

GitLab is a web-based DevOps lifecycle tool that provides a Git-repository manager providing wiki, issue-tracking and CI/CD pipeline features, using an open-source license.

What is tagging in GitLab?

Tagging in GitLab is a way to mark specific points in the history of a repository. It is commonly used to indicate important milestones or releases.

How do I create a tag in GitLab?

To create a tag in GitLab, you can use the command ‘git tag’ followed by the tag name and the commit hash you want to tag. Then, you can push the tag to the remote repository using ‘git push origin ‘.

How do I list all tags in GitLab?

To list all tags in GitLab, you can use the command ‘git tag’ without any arguments. This will display a list of all tags in the repository.

Can I delete a tag in GitLab?

Yes, you can delete a tag in GitLab. To delete a tag, you can use the command ‘git tag -d ‘. Then, you can push the deletion to the remote repository using ‘git push origin :refs/tags/‘.

How do I checkout a specific tag in GitLab?

To checkout a specific tag in GitLab, you can use the command ‘git checkout ‘. This will switch your working directory to the commit associated with the tag.

Can I tag a specific commit in GitLab?

Yes, you can tag a specific commit in GitLab. To tag a specific commit, you can use the command ‘git tag ‘. Then, you can push the tag to the remote repository using ‘git push origin ‘.

How do I push tags to GitLab?

To push tags to GitLab, you can use the command ‘git push origin –tags’. This will push all tags in your local repository to the remote repository.

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