Step-by-Step Guide: How to Connect Sourcetree to Gitlab

Sourcetree is a powerful GUI (Graphical User Interface) tool that simplifies the process of managing Git repositories. In this step-by-step guide, you will learn how to connect Sourcetree to GitLab, a popular web-based Git repository management platform. By following these instructions, you will be able to clone repositories, make changes, commit and push your changes, and collaborate with others using Sourcetree and GitLab.

Key Takeaways

  • Sourcetree is a GUI tool that simplifies Git repository management
  • GitLab is a web-based Git repository management platform
  • You can connect Sourcetree to GitLab to clone repositories, make changes, and collaborate with others
  • Sourcetree supports Windows and macOS operating systems
  • Sourcetree provides features like detailed branching diagrams and support for large files

What is Sourcetree?

Overview of Sourcetree

Sourcetree by Atlassian is a Git desktop client that streamlines interactions with your code, enhancing repository management through intuitive visualizations. Its user-friendly interface caters to beginners while offering productivity-boosting features for seasoned users. With Sourcetree, you can effortlessly stay in sync with team updates using its rich branching diagrams. You can cherry-pick across branches, review changesets, and stash code with ease. Thanks to its Git Large File Support, teams can conveniently monitor significant data assets from a centralized location. Sourcetree also simplifies complex distributed version control tasks, helping you efficiently handle larger projects.

Benefits of using Sourcetree

Sourcetree offers a range of benefits for developers and teams. With its rich branching diagrams, you can effortlessly stay in sync with team updates and easily cherry-pick across branches. The Git Large File Support feature allows teams to conveniently monitor significant data assets from a centralized location. Sourcetree also simplifies complex distributed version control tasks, making it ideal for handling larger projects. Whether you’re using Git or Mercurial, Sourcetree is compatible with both and works seamlessly on Windows and Mac. It also supports local search through commit points and can handle large files. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, Sourcetree is a valuable tool for enhancing your development workflow.

GitLab Ultimate: Sourcetree integrates seamlessly with GitLab Ultimate, providing advanced features and capabilities for enterprise-level development. With this integration, you can unlock additional functionality and take advantage of the full power of Sourcetree and GitLab Ultimate together.

Setting up Gitlab

Creating a Gitlab account

To create a Gitlab account, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Gitlab website and click on the ‘Sign up’ button.
  2. Fill in the required information, including your name, email address, and password.
  3. Complete the verification process by clicking on the link sent to your email.
  4. Once verified, you can log in to your Gitlab account and start using its features.

Creating a Gitlab account is a simple process that allows you to access all the functionalities and benefits of Gitlab. It’s the first step towards managing your projects and collaborating with others in a seamless manner.

If you already have a Gitlab account, you can skip this step and proceed to the next section.

Creating a new project in Gitlab

To create a new project in Gitlab, follow these steps:

  1. Open the project that you want to put under Git.
  2. Go to VCS | Create Git Repository.
  3. In the dialog that opens, specify the directory where a new Git repository will be created. If you choose a directory outside your project root, make sure it also contains the project root.
  4. If you are creating multiple Git repositories inside the project structure, repeat the previous steps for each directory.
  5. After you have initialized a Git repository for your project, you can start working with it.

Installing Sourcetree

Downloading Sourcetree

To get started with Sourcetree, the first step is to download the application. Sourcetree is compatible with both Windows and macOS, making it accessible to a wide range of users. Simply visit the official Sourcetree website and navigate to the download page. From there, choose the appropriate version for your operating system and click on the download button. The installation file will then be downloaded to your computer. Once the download is complete, you can proceed to the next step of installing Sourcetree.

Installing Sourcetree on Windows

To install Sourcetree on Windows, follow these steps:

  1. Download Sourcetree from the official website.
  2. Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
  3. Once installed, launch Sourcetree and go to the ‘Tools’ menu.
  4. Select ‘Options’ and navigate to the ‘Authentication’ tab.
  5. Click on ‘Add’ to add a new authentication method.
  6. Choose ‘SSH’ as the authentication type and enter your SSH key.
  7. Click ‘OK’ to save the changes.

Please note that cloning a Gitlab repository may require enabling Developer Mode in Windows, especially if the repository contains symbolic links. Make sure to enable Developer Mode before cloning the repository to avoid any issues.

Installing Sourcetree on macOS

To install Sourcetree on macOS, you will first need to check if either Xcode or the ‘Command Line Tools’ is installed. You can do this by running the ‘xcode-select -p’ command. If you see an error message, it means that neither is installed. In that case, you can run ‘xcode-select –install’ which will prompt you to either get Xcode or install the command line tools. Once you have Xcode or the Command Line Tools installed, you can proceed with the installation of Sourcetree. Simply download the Sourcetree installer for macOS and follow the installation instructions. After the installation is complete, you will be able to launch Sourcetree and start using it for your Gitlab projects.

Configuring Sourcetree

Adding Gitlab as a remote repository

To add a remote repository to your Git project, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Git | Manage Remotes. The Git Remotes dialog will open.
  2. Click the Add button on the toolbar or press Alt+Insert.
  3. In the dialog that opens, specify the remote name and URL and click OK.
  4. To edit a remote, right-click the remote branch in the Branches pane of the Git Log tool window and select Edit Remote from the context menu.
  5. To remove a repository, right-click it in the Branches pane of the Git Log tool window and select Remove Remote from the context menu.

By adding a remote repository, you can collaborate on your Git project and eliminate the risks of storing your whole codebase locally. You can push changes to the remote repository to share your work and pull data from it to integrate changes made by other contributors into your local repository version. If you have cloned a remote Git repository, the remote is configured automatically and you do not have to specify it when syncing with it. The default name Git gives to the remote you’ve cloned from is origin.

Setting up SSH keys for authentication

To securely authenticate with GitLab, you can set up SSH keys. SSH keys provide a more secure and convenient way to connect to remote Git repositories. Here’s how you can set up SSH keys for authentication:

  1. Generate an SSH key pair on your local machine using the ssh-keygen command.
  2. Copy the public key ( to your GitLab account. You can do this by navigating to your GitLab account settings and adding the public key to the SSH keys section.
  3. Test the SSH connection by running the command ssh -T If the connection is successful, you should see a welcome message from GitLab.

By setting up SSH keys, you can securely authenticate with GitLab without the need for a username and password every time you interact with a remote repository.

Cloning a Gitlab Repository

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Connect Sourcetree to Gitlab

Creating a local directory for the repository

To create a local directory for the repository, follow these steps:

  1. Open the project that you want to put under Git.
  2. Go to VCS | Create Git Repository.
  3. In the dialog that opens, specify the directory where a new Git repository will be created. Note that Git does not support external paths, so make sure that the folder where the repository is going to be created also contains the project root.
  4. If you are creating multiple Git repositories inside the project structure, repeat the previous steps for each directory.
  5. After you have initialized a Git repository for your project, you need to add project files to the repository.
  6. In the Commit tool window, expand the Unversioned Files node.
  7. Select the files you want to add to Git or the entire changelist.

Cloning the repository using Sourcetree

To clone a remote repository using Sourcetree, follow these steps:

  1. Open Sourcetree and navigate to the Applications screen.
  2. If you are already logged in to the selected hosting service, completion will suggest the list of available repositories that you can clone.
  3. Click on the Clone button.
  4. In the confirmation dialog, click Yes if you want to create a project based on the sources you have cloned.
  5. The Git root mapping will be automatically set to the project root directory.
  6. If your project contains submodules, they will also be cloned and automatically registered as project roots.

Working with Sourcetree

Viewing and managing branches

When working with Sourcetree, you can easily view and manage branches to keep track of your codebase. Sourcetree provides a user-friendly interface that allows you to navigate through branches and perform various actions.

To view and manage branches in Sourcetree, follow these steps:

  1. Open Sourcetree and navigate to the repository you want to work with.
  2. In the toolbar, click on the ‘Branches’ button to open the Branches view.
  3. Here, you will see a list of all the branches in your repository. You can switch between branches by simply clicking on them.
  4. To create a new branch, click on the ‘New Branch’ button and enter a name for the branch.
  5. If you want to delete a branch, right-click on it and select ‘Delete’.

By effectively managing branches, you can organize your codebase and collaborate with ease. Remember to regularly merge branches to keep your codebase up to date and resolve any conflicts that may arise.

Making changes to files

When working with Sourcetree, you will often need to make changes to files in your Git repository. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Add the files you want to modify to your local Git repository. You can do this by selecting the files in the Unversioned Files node and choosing ‘Add to VCS‘ from the context menu.
  2. Modify the files as needed using your preferred text editor or IDE.
  3. Review the changes you have made by checking the status of the files in the Changes view.
  4. Commit the changes to your local repository by selecting the files and clicking the ‘Commit’ button.
  5. Push the changes to the remote repository to share them with others.

Remember to regularly pull changes from the remote repository to keep your local repository up to date with the latest changes made by others.

Committing and pushing changes

After making changes to your files, it’s time to commit and push those changes to the remote repository. Committing allows you to save your changes with a descriptive message, while pushing updates the remote repository with your latest commits.

To commit and push changes:

  1. Open Sourcetree and navigate to the repository you want to commit changes to.
  2. In the sidebar, click on the ‘Unstaged files’ tab to view the files you have modified.
  3. Select the files you want to commit by checking the box next to each file.
  4. Enter a commit message in the ‘Commit message’ field. Be concise and descriptive.
  5. Click on the ‘Commit’ button to commit your changes.
  6. After committing, click on the ‘Push’ button to push your changes to the remote repository.

Remember to regularly commit and push your changes to keep your local and remote repositories in sync.

Pulling changes from the remote repository

To integrate changes made by other contributors into your local repository version, you need to pull changes from the remote repository. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Open Sourcetree and go to the ‘Git’ menu.
  2. Select ‘Manage Remotes’ from the dropdown menu.
  3. In the Git Remotes dialog, click the ‘Add’ button on the toolbar or press Alt+Insert.
  4. Specify the remote name and URL in the dialog that opens and click OK.
  5. To remove a repository that is no longer valid, right-click it in the Branches pane of the Git Log tool window and select ‘Remove Remote’ from the context menu.

Remember, pulling changes allows you to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the remote repository and collaborate effectively with other team members.

Resolving Conflicts

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Connect Sourcetree to Gitlab

Understanding merge conflicts

Merge conflicts occur when there are conflicting changes made to the same file or line of code in different branches. It can happen when multiple developers are working on the same project or when you are merging changes from a remote repository. Upgrade GitLab Runner is a feature that helps in resolving merge conflicts by providing a set of strategies to choose from. These strategies include:

  • Combine: This strategy appends the conflicting changes together.
  • Use Remote: This strategy discards the local changes and uses the changes from the remote branch.
  • Use Local: This strategy discards the remote changes and uses the local changes.

When resolving merge conflicts, it is important to carefully review the conflicting changes and choose the appropriate strategy to ensure the integrity of the codebase. It is also recommended to communicate with other developers involved to avoid conflicts in the future.

Using Sourcetree to resolve conflicts

When working on a collaborative project, conflicts may arise when multiple team members make changes to the same file. Resolving conflicts is an essential part of maintaining code integrity and ensuring smooth collaboration. Sourcetree provides a user-friendly interface that simplifies the conflict resolution process.

To resolve conflicts using Sourcetree:

  1. Open Sourcetree and navigate to the repository where the conflict exists.
  2. Click on the ‘Uncommitted Changes’ tab to view the files with conflicts.
  3. Double-click on a conflicted file to open the built-in merge tool.
  4. The merge tool will display the conflicting sections of the file, allowing you to manually resolve the conflicts.
  5. Make the necessary changes to resolve the conflicts, keeping in mind the changes made by other team members.
  6. Once you have resolved all conflicts, save the file and close the merge tool.

Note: It is important to carefully review and test the changes after resolving conflicts to ensure that the code functions as expected.

If you encounter common issues during the conflict resolution process, such as conflicting changes or merge errors, refer to the Sourcetree documentation or seek assistance from your team members who are experienced with conflict resolution.

Collaborating with Others

Adding collaborators to a Gitlab project

Collaboration is a key aspect of working on projects in Gitlab. By adding collaborators to your Gitlab project, you can easily work together with other team members and share responsibilities. Collaborators can contribute to the project by making changes to files, creating branches, and merging code. Here are the steps to add collaborators to your Gitlab project:

  1. Open your Gitlab project and navigate to the ‘Settings’ tab.
  2. In the left sidebar, click on ‘Members’.
  3. On the ‘Members’ page, click on the ‘Add members’ button.
  4. Enter the username or email address of the person you want to add as a collaborator.
  5. Choose the desired access level for the collaborator, such as ‘Developer’ or ‘Maintainer’.
  6. Click on the ‘Add to project’ button to add the collaborator to your Gitlab project.

Adding collaborators to your Gitlab project allows for seamless collaboration and enhances the productivity of your team. Make sure to grant appropriate access levels to ensure the security and integrity of your project.

Managing merge requests

Once you have added collaborators to your Gitlab project and have started working on your code, you may encounter situations where you need to merge changes from different branches. This is where merge requests come in. Merge requests allow you to propose changes to the codebase and request that they be merged into the main branch.

To create a merge request, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the ‘Merge Requests’ tab in your Gitlab project.
  2. Click on the ‘New Merge Request’ button.
  3. Select the source and target branches for the merge request.
  4. Add a title and description for the merge request, explaining the changes you have made.
  5. Review the changes and make any necessary adjustments.
  6. Once you are satisfied with the changes, click on the ‘Submit Merge Request’ button.

Tip: It’s important to provide clear and detailed descriptions in your merge requests to ensure that reviewers understand the purpose and impact of the proposed changes.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage merge requests and streamline the process of integrating code changes into your project.

Branching and Merging

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Connect Sourcetree to Gitlab

Creating and switching branches

When working on a project, it’s important to create and switch branches to organize your work and collaborate effectively. Branches allow you to work on different features or bug fixes without affecting the main codebase. Here are the steps to create and switch branches in Sourcetree:

  1. To create a new branch, click on the ‘Branch’ button in the toolbar. Enter a descriptive name for your branch, such as ‘feature/add-new-feature’.
  2. Once the branch is created, you can switch to it by selecting it from the dropdown menu in the toolbar.
  3. To switch back to the main branch, select ‘master’ or ‘main’ from the dropdown menu.

Creating and switching branches is a fundamental concept in Git and Sourcetree. It allows you to work on different tasks simultaneously and collaborate with other team members. Remember to regularly merge your branches to keep your codebase up to date and avoid conflicts.

Note: If you’re a beginner with Git, branching might seem confusing at first. But don’t worry, it’s a powerful feature that will greatly improve your workflow and code organization.

Merging branches using Sourcetree

Once you have multiple branches in your repository, you may need to merge them together to incorporate changes from one branch into another. Sourcetree provides a simple and intuitive way to perform branch merging.

To merge branches using Sourcetree, follow these steps:

  1. Open Sourcetree and navigate to the repository where the branches are located.
  2. Click on the ‘Branch’ button in the toolbar to open the Branches view.
  3. Select the branch you want to merge into another branch.
  4. Right-click on the branch and choose ‘Merge’ from the context menu.
  5. In the Merge dialog, select the branch you want to merge into and click ‘Merge’.

By following these steps, you can easily merge branches in your GitLab repository using Sourcetree.

Git Flow Workflow

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Connect Sourcetree to Gitlab

Overview of Git Flow

Git Flow is a popular branching model that helps streamline teams and manage the development process effectively. It provides a set of guidelines and best practices for organizing and managing branches in a Git repository. With Git Flow, you can easily create and switch between branches, merge branches, and handle complex version control tasks. It promotes collaboration and enables teams to work on independent lines of work from a main codebase. Git Flow also supports code review and discussions through pull requests, ensuring a robust and efficient code review process. Additionally, it integrates seamlessly with Sourcetree, allowing you to visualize and manage branches with ease.

Using Sourcetree with Git Flow

Sourcetree is a versatile Git desktop client that offers a seamless integration with Git Flow, a popular branching model for Git. With Sourcetree, you can easily implement and manage Git Flow workflows, making it a valuable tool for collaborative software development.

To use Sourcetree with Git Flow, follow these steps:

  1. Install Sourcetree on your computer.
  2. Open Sourcetree and navigate to the repository you want to work with.
  3. Enable Git Flow integration in Sourcetree’s settings.
  4. Create a new feature branch using the Git Flow toolbar.
  5. Make changes to your code and commit them to the feature branch.
  6. Finish the feature branch and merge it back into the develop branch.

By following these steps, you can effectively utilize Git Flow with Sourcetree to streamline your development process and ensure smooth collaboration with your team.

If you’re new to Git Flow, it’s a branching model that provides a structured approach to managing feature development and release cycles. It promotes parallel development, easy collaboration, and a clear separation of code changes. Git Flow is particularly useful for projects with multiple developers and frequent releases.

Note: It’s important to familiarize yourself with the Git Flow workflow and best practices before using Sourcetree with Git Flow. This will ensure that you fully leverage the benefits of both tools and avoid any potential pitfalls.

For more information on Git Flow and how to use it with Sourcetree, refer to the official documentation and resources available online.

The Git Flow Workflow is a branching model for Git that helps teams collaborate and manage their codebase effectively. It provides a set of guidelines and best practices for working with branches, merging code, and releasing software. With Git Flow, developers can easily track the progress of features, hotfixes, and releases, ensuring a smooth and organized development process. If you want to learn more about Git Flow and how it can improve your team’s productivity, visit our website Home Page – DevSecOps. We offer comprehensive resources and tutorials on Git Flow and other DevSecOps practices. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to streamline your development workflow and deliver high-quality software faster.


In conclusion, connecting Sourcetree to GitLab is a straightforward process that allows you to efficiently manage your version control tasks. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you can easily establish a connection between YouTrack and GitLab, enabling seamless integration and collaboration between the two platforms. With Sourcetree’s user-friendly interface and powerful features, such as detailed branching diagrams and support for large files, you can effectively handle larger projects and stay in sync with your team. So why wait? Start connecting Sourcetree to GitLab today and streamline your version control workflow!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Sourcetree?

Sourcetree is a free Git client that provides a graphical interface for managing Git repositories. It allows users to easily perform common Git operations and visualize the repository’s branching structure.

How do I create a Gitlab account?

To create a Gitlab account, go to the Gitlab website and click on the ‘Sign Up’ button. Fill in the required information, such as your username, email address, and password. Once you have filled in the information, click on the ‘Create account’ button to create your Gitlab account.

How do I create a new project in Gitlab?

To create a new project in Gitlab, log in to your Gitlab account and navigate to the dashboard. On the dashboard, click on the ‘New project’ button. Fill in the project details, such as the project name and description. Once you have filled in the details, click on the ‘Create project’ button to create your new project.

How do I download Sourcetree?

To download Sourcetree, go to the Sourcetree website and click on the ‘Download’ button. Select the appropriate version for your operating system (Windows or macOS) and follow the on-screen instructions to download Sourcetree.

How do I install Sourcetree on Windows?

To install Sourcetree on Windows, locate the downloaded Sourcetree installer file and double-click on it to start the installation process. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

How do I install Sourcetree on macOS?

To install Sourcetree on macOS, locate the downloaded Sourcetree DMG file and double-click on it to mount the disk image. Drag the Sourcetree application to the Applications folder to install it.

How do I add Gitlab as a remote repository in Sourcetree?

To add Gitlab as a remote repository in Sourcetree, open Sourcetree and click on the ‘Clone’ button. Enter the URL of your Gitlab repository and specify the destination folder for the cloned repository. Click on the ‘Clone’ button to add Gitlab as a remote repository.

How do I set up SSH keys for authentication in Sourcetree?

To set up SSH keys for authentication in Sourcetree, open Sourcetree and go to ‘Tools’ > ‘Options’ > ‘Authentication’. Click on the ‘Generate’ button to generate a new SSH key pair. Copy the public key and add it to your Gitlab account settings. Then, click on the ‘Add SSH Key’ button in Sourcetree and select the private key file. Click on the ‘Save’ button to set up SSH keys for authentication.

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